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Many of us search for a special way to honor a friend or a family member—perhaps on a birthday, holiday, or anniversary. Others seek a meaningful way to remember a loved one who has passed away. Some are simply looking for a way to help others.
Please consider a donation to the library to accomplish all of these goals. Donations help the library achieve its goal of bringing people and information together within the library district community. Such donations are used to update the library collection, purchase equipment, to provide special programs and to care for the building and grounds. They can also be designated toward a building fund for a desperately needed new 21st Century facility that will ensure we can meet your informational, cultural, educational and recreational needs for years to come.
Louisburg Library is a non-profit institution and all gifts are tax-deductible. Gifts and donations can also be made to the library through the NEKL Foundation.
Donations to the library provide an everlasting tribute to those honored, improves and expands library services, helping the entire community. Thank you for supporting your library.
A membership to join starts at only a $10 donation, and since our Friends group is a 501C3, your contribution is tax deductible and an excellent way to give to your library community.
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