Reserve A Meeting Room-
o Room size: 20’x16’, 320 square feet
o Accommodates: 10 – 12 people (depending on furniture configuration)
o The room generally has 5 tables & 8 chairs. The tables can be collapsed down for more seating.
Please let staff know if you need more chairs and help moving tables.
o Available for use in the room: a screen & projector
Meeting Room Policy-
- No goods may be sold for profit in the library.
- Louisburg Library welcomes the use of its meeting room for activities of a civic, cultural, or educational nature and for the discussion of current public questions. The meeting room is available to nonprofit organizations regardless of beliefs or affiliations of their members. Duly constituted continuing political groups may use the room, but temporary committees for the advancement of an individual’s success in a political campaign shall be denied such use. Library-oriented programs will be given preference for use of the room. It is understood that all meetings held will be open to the public should anyone wish to attend.